Friday 20 September 2013

work life taking over


GAH! Work has taken over my life in the last few days. I am comforted by the fact that it is now school holidays (for the next 2 weeks) and I can relax.

Today was my first day without my painkillers since I hurt my back, YAY! mini-victories!

Today I was reminded why I wanted to work with kids: their ability to love and care for people is amazing. My students are so willing to help (especially considering that I am limited with what I can do and how I can move).

Cute little quote from one of my students:
"Miss M. when I grow up I want to marry you, but only if you buy me Lego"
... Sorry little one, any Lego I buy is all mine... and I don't share.

Sunday 15 September 2013

sad post is sad.


So short post today. My back is really hurting me today. It was good in the morning so I drove myself (not too far, only 30 minutes away) but when it was time to go home I couldn't drive. Not allowed to with the painkillers the doctor gave me, so a friend drove me home (while his girlfriend followed in the car behind).

I'm going to get my back x-rayed tomorrow. Hopefully that will either cross something off the list of reasons why I'm in pain OR give me an actual reason.


Saturday 14 September 2013



So after all my rambling yesterday about how I really wanted to go to the UK/Europe/America I've actually decided today to go to Micronesia. My sister and a few of our friends are going. Exciting! We should be going sometime late January, but I need to be back before the end of January for work.

No trip to Springwood today, instead I went shopping. My sister needed a gift for a friends birthday and I needed new makeup brushes. $100 later I walked out with the brushes, new foundation, 2 kate moss lipsticks and a revlon lip stain thing. Quite the mini-haul. Had a coffee and spent most of today chilling at home.

I'm hoping to keep this up, as I have the tendency to start something and then kind of forget about it. Oopsie.


Friday 13 September 2013

Warami! Bonjour! Konnichiwa! Hi!

Warami everyone! (Warami means hello/good to see you)

So I've started this blog to kind of act as a way of venting and just expressing myself in a way that doesn't necessarily impact on my day to day life. Kind of like a diary... that anyone can read... oh well, doesn't really matter.

I'll probably post some pictures, write about my life, maybe even treat this blog as a mini travel journal. Sadly I am not planning any overseas trips at the moment, but I live in a beautiful country and there are lots of fantastic places to visit (even ones that are nearby).

Might as well give a little info on me. I'm 23. Koori (Aboriginal Australian). I live in Sydney, right at the foot of the Blue Mountains. I'm a teacher, with a year one class this year (I can't believe that its almost the end of term 3, which means its almost the end of the year! The time has gone so quickly!). I love coffee and I usually stop off before work at this little cafe that makes the best vanilla lattes ever! I used to drink only cappuccinos, but lately I've become obsessed with vanilla lattes. I've started playing around with make up again after watching some youtube tutorials and some beauty blogs, so we'll see how that goes. I really want to travel the world: Europe and America mostly. I've visited Fiji, Vanuatu, Singapore and Japan. So I have mainly stuck to countries close to Australia. But I would LOVE to visit the UK, see where some of my family came from, go see the Dr Who exhibit/set, visit my friend Kasey who moved to England. Plus so many little silly things: get a photo with a policeman with those big helmet things (I blame my parents and their obsession with 'The Bill'), ride in a double decker bus, pretend to be Jane Austen, see a thatched roof, RED TELEPHONE BOXES!!!

Anyway, what prompted me to start this blog is mainly because of a back injury forcing me to take some time off from work. Long story short: massive pain in my back while playing netball, hospital, MORPHINE is my friend, home to recover, painkillers (that don't completely kill the pain) and rest. In the last few days I've had the opportunity to watch some movies that I've been meaning to watch for a while (but just never had the time).

Today, after about a week off work I went back. I lasted about 4 hours before I had to go home. Yesterday I was feeling fine and almost back to normal, so much so that I was feeling guilty for leaving the kiddliwinks without their teacher for a week. But I just couldn't do it. Its surprising how much you move and need your back to teach. I can move around the house just fine, but work was just too much. Luckily its now the weekend! So some time to recover, I had planned to go up the mountains to Springwood with my sister and visit this beautiful kids store (my sister is going to a party for her boyfriend's neice's 2nd birthday), but I don't know if I will need to cancel those plans to go visit the doctor. If I do go, I'll take photos and see if I can figure out how to post them :\

Yanu! (means 'bye, I go now')

xoxo Cassie